Be Brave, Be Strong, & Love God More Than Anything Else

Photo: Rugged Joy Photography

This is our Liston creed; we are brave, we are strong, and we will love God more than anything else. Every night, Jonny tucks the kids into bed. Yes, every night. I know, I lucked out on him. ;) He reads to them from their children's bible, he prays over them, and they all recite our creed, being reminded every night just how much God loves them and how much purpose He has for their lives.

I've wanted to keep an online journal for years, I even started one a couple times only to talk myself out of it before publishing any posts. I used to journal so much growing up, and even into my college years. But after I got married, started working, and eventually had kids, I just didn't make the time for it. I wish I had.

But, it's not too late. We still have so many adventures ahead of us! Ransom is almost 12, so we're just about to be navigating the teen years - yikes - Ransom surprises me all the time with new things he's willing to try! Jude is so vibrant, and interested in all sorts of things, he's growing so fast. Anna Joy is a big ol' explosion of spunk and sparkle...Jonny and I are always shaking our heads laughing, oh dear she's not even 3 yet. The best days are yet to come, and I am determined to narrate them here, remembering the small special things I would otherwise forget and recounting the heart journey that accompanies these adventures; as therein lies the lessons I hope to share with generations of Listons to come.


Summer 2021 : Bracing for Change