Art & Design by JoAnna Liston

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First Time Fixer, Weeks 22-25

Almost Done

Well, we’re almost done. January has been another super busy month, trying to complete the house for the reveal episode, and juggling all the typical life drama that happens alongside work plans. Our whole crew - my dad and his household, Will and his household, and Gabe and his household all got sick within the same couple of weeks. You can guess what it was, thankfully I was still immune and didn’t recatch it. But it literally put a halt on our workflow for a couple straight weeks. Very thankful everyone has recovered since and no one had serious symptoms. But I had to reach out to the production team for an extension on our reveal date, which I hated to do. I struggle with people pleaser tendencies and I hate feeling like I’ve let someone down…but obviously there was nothing we could do about what happened. So our reveal day is now set for February 12th. Which means I only have two more weeks to get everything complete, and ready for the camera. Let me catch you up on what’s happened on the project over the last month (when we were able to work.)

Project Updates

I focused on kitchen cabinets this month. They are turning out to be way more work than I anticipated. While the kitchen layout was sort of in my head, and I generally knew where certain cabinets were going, I struggled to really nail down decisions until I saw it in person. Jonny and I spent time there setting up the cabinets and making sure it all “felt right” before installing them. I decided to go ahead and do the island I had planned, which had been up in the air for a few weeks since we weren’t sure if it would feel too tight in the space. While it isn’t a big kitchen, the island fits, and it still has a good flow to it, plus that extra surface area is needed! We spent a lot of time getting the cabinets installed properly (Jonny and I did most of this, but Dad had to jump in some.) Turns out leveling cabinets is tricky. I set up the cabinet doors in my basement to spray them, which worked out ok, although my system could use some refining. The countertop guys came to measure, and our slab was cut, and it just got installed! While it wasn’t the original soapstone slab I had picked, it’s pretty similar and I like how it turned out.

I’ve also spent a lot of time this month getting my furniture for the staging settled. Honestly, this has become pretty stressful. I had a decent amount of vintage goods in my stash to use for decorating, but didn’t have some staples such as a beds (and mattresses) and living room furniture. If I had the budget to just go buy anything I wanted, that would make it a lot easier, but I’m trying to source stuff second hand so I can get more for my money. There are great things to be found secondhand! But it does seem to take longer, to search and collect things a little at a time as you find them. I still have a few things I’d like to find before the reveal date.

It has been snowing SO MUCH this month, which has made working a little more challenging. I really hope its not snowing on the reveal day. I keep thinking of us all trudging snow in and out of the house while trying to keep it spotless for the camera.

Since the reveal is only two weeks away, I guess the next time I write may be after we’ve filmed the finale!


I’m thanking the Lord for health these days! The dreaded virus visited my whole family this month, and my parents, grandparents, siblings, all recovered and are healthy. The world is so crazy right now, crazy stuff is happening everywhere. While I know none of us are promised tomorrow, I’m so glad we’re all still here together and well. Trying to enjoy every day I’m given!