First Time Fixer - Our Episode

We’re now out in TV land for who knows how long.

Does anyone know how long these episodes actually stay live on those streaming apps? That’s the wild thing about tv these days…its not a one and done…you’re out there for people to watch for Lord knows how many years.

Our episode aired April 8th, and we’re now streaming on the app too (Season 3, episode 6.) I waited all day to watch, even though it was live on the app early in the morning. We planned a family watch party at my brother Joel’s house. Momo and Popo came too. We had so much fun laughing, and we all cheered every time a new face entered the episode. So much fun! I caught some of the goodness on video and posted to Instagram. Jonny’s face when he was introduced to the episode - so priceless. We died, laughing at him in his robe say “hey” and him retorting “that’s it, that’s the shot they use?!” Oh my gosh, I can’t even type this without laughing about it. I’m glad he is such a good sport. We’ll be roasting him with robe jokes for weeks. We laughed so much that night Jonny and I rewatched the episode later to catch all the parts we couldn’t hear earlier.

Overall I’m happy with the episode. It was weird to know just how much footage we shot that didn’t get used, and I kept finding myself wondering, why didn’t they use that clip, or that one? For instance, there was some footage I took of myself under the house when I went into the crawl space to help reroute a wire. Jonny thought that footage was hysterical, and said it was like Blair Witch Project Meets Fixer Upper. It was pretty funny, but for whatever reason it didn’t make the cut. There were some clips of mom and I shopping for plants for the front beds, of Ashley and I shopping for vintage goods, and some of me and Jonny that I thought would’ve made it in too. But you know what, they had to condense six months of filming into 20 minutes of episode time, so I’m just going to be happy with it, because I would not want that job. Props to the editing crew! There was a lot of really terrible footage too, and they miraculously made us look good.

I am really happy with how well they captured my family, and it is going to be a memory we will treasure forever! What a special gift, to have this season in our lives complied into a professional video that we can share with generations of Liston’s/Rieber’s to come. I’m sentimental like that.

Well, now that I’ve shared the news and it’s out in the world I can share this blog too. This is my last time writing to no one out there, on a private blog. Next time I post, it will be in real time. I’ve found that I really enjoy blogging, so I hope to keep this up on a regular basis.

I will be sharing some posts on the flip house, before and afters, and more details on the design choices. Anything else you want to read about? Do you have any other questions about the episode or the project? Leave me a comment, I’m excited for this space to be interactive now!


First Time Fixer - Film Day!