First Time Fixer…Another Week

I’m a little heartbroken.

Well, I thought I would’ve been writing this as a follow up post-film date, recounting all the midnight runs to Target, and the awkward film day moments. But again, life happens, and really we have no control do we? The day before reveal day, seriously, the day before, I was admitted to the ER with uncontrollable vomiting and extremely low blood pressure. I could barely walk, I collapsed and nearly passed out a couple times, and we were all pretty scared not knowing what was going on. Due to my medical history the doc ran a bunch of tests, they got my blood pressure stabilized, and after some medication I was able to keep fluids down. After a day of watching me, and all tests coming back without any alarming news, the doc thinks I got a severe case of food poisoning and the blood pressure dropped due to being so dehydrated and exhausted. I was cleared to go home, and told to spend a couple days resting, and should feel better soon.

Even though I knew I couldn’t control it, I was feeling physically ill about having to reschedule our reveal, again. I think I felt worse about that than that I was in the hospital. Dad made the phone call while I was in ER, and that was that. I don’t know how many people’s schedules I wrecked that day, but I couldn’t have felt worse about it.

I’m feeling much better now.

We’re set to film on this Saturday, and by golly there is NOTHING that will keep me from being there this time. While I’ve felt terrible about how it all went down, I’m trying to let it go and focus on the positive.

Last week’s reveal would have been good, but now I have a few extra days to make it even better! So I’m using these few days to grab some extra decor to fluff things up a bit, I have more time to hang artwork throughout the home that I wanted to hang but didn’t have time for last week, and all in all I will feel good knowing I’ve done my absolute very best to make this place a big “wow” for the viewers.

Instead of sharing a bunch of project photos in this post, I’m just going to share a couple of my paintings I will be hanging in the house. I’ll share the fancy “after” photos of the house in my future blog posts when I can share the news with everyone! I plan to take some good interior shots with my camera and make some fun BEFORE and AFTER posts. What do you think? Also, I’m very close to being able to share this blog with you - the world! I’m not sure how long it will take between the film day and when our episode airs, but hopefully we won’t have to wait to awful long.


I think it goes without saying here - so thankful to be ok, so glad our reveal got reschedule for this week, and so thrilled this chapter in my life is almost over!

©JoAnna Liston - Orchid Series

©JoAnna Liston - Plum Field

©JoAnna Liston - New Beginnings


First Time Fixer - Film Day!


First Time Fixer, Weeks 22-25